Customizing the
Via Knegativa is an esoteric approach to seamlessly get what you want by iteratively deepening your control over a negotiation. This approach focuses on using the mastery over disagreements to arrive at effective agreements. It relies on iteratively negating the negatives to arrive at the positive.

The Via Knegativa approach mainly involves three basic steps:


Observantly listen to the demands of your negotiating counterpart. More often than not, obscured beneath all their demands there are some unacknowledged needs that they are trying to fulfil


Holistically integrate your observations to arrive at deeper insights that reveal those unmet needs. The more accurately you identify and acknowledge those needs, the more your counterpart is likely to realize that you are genuinely understanding their situation


Using your mastery over disagreements, sincerely communicate your situation to them so that they begin to understand the constraints disabling you in meeting their demands. A thorough understanding of each other's situational realities through effective communication lets empathy take root in the negotiation. Empathy is a powerful space where conflicting forces can become collaborative in nature. Use that space to find alternative ways for evolving out of the central conflict that is underpinning the negotiation
If you iterate through these steps linearly or nonlinearly (as you see fit), you will invariably find that your control of the negotiation begins to deepen. Control the negotiation until a clear path to evolve out of the central conflict presents itself.

As mentioned elsewhere, if all of this sounds too simplistic, you should know that the catch is in implementing these steps properly with a certain sense of aplomb under immense pressure. Mastery over Disagreement or the ability to negate the negatives in a high-stakes negotiation needs deeper insights into the intricacies and the inner-workings of the Mind. Being receptive to tailored coaching from someone who has sincerely mastered this approach can enable you to develop and master those capabilities. No amount of practice on your own can get you there, unless you are an Ékalavya or a Rōnin of sorts; in which case you would not have arrived here in the first place.

If you are seeking to be trained in this esoteric approach of handling your negotiations using subtle yet powerful insights into the escalation dynamics of a crisis or conflict, you may want to consider getting in touch. If you just want some distilled insights to begin with, you may want to receive occasional museletters.